How to do (and Not Do) Open Source

Posted by Joel Murphy on

Our Fall is starting out really great. We've got some new software examples that explore Heart Rate Variability (HRV) up on the Code and Guide page, and a few stories to tell. 

First up: How To Do Open Source

We got a nice pingback from OHS Park and their Staff Pics this week. They picked Ladvien's great post on the trials and tribulations in the making of a Homemade Pulse Sensor. Two weeks ago, he was the Fail of the Week over at Hackaday. Glad to hear that he worked out the kinks in his process! Here at Pulse Sensor, we support open and honest copies and improvements. That's what Open Hardware is all about!

What Open Hardware is NOT about is disingenuous ripoffs and selling what amounts to a bill-of-goods (def. 2). That's what happened to an unwary shopper from Eastern Europe when he purchased what he thought was a legit Pulse Sensor, but then he received the hardware with an incomplete kit (no ear clip, velcro parts, vinyl stickers, or even a cable). We don't even know if the hardware they are selling works or not. Here's a link to the counterfeit Pulse Sensor from Good Luck Buy.


We love Open Hardware here at Pulse Sensor, and we understand the potential risks and rewards of releasing all of our design plans. And we also realize that getting cloned means that we must be doing something right... But that doesn't mean that we will put up with sub-standard ripoffs which sully the good name of our product!

If you don't buy the Pulse Sensor from us directly (which is fine! we also love our resellers!) make sure the company is reputable and trustworthy! The companies that we have re-seller agreements with are Adafruit, Sparkfun, and Maker Shed. If you are finding our Pulse Sensor at a different supplier, please be aware and double check the source! 



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