♥ Works with Everything
Explore heart-rate monitoring and biofeedback creatively with the Original PulseSensor Kit, a trusted, versatile tool for students, artists, and developers globally. It's user-friendly and compatible with Arduino, ESP32, micro:bit boards. It is supported by comprehensive example code and documentation, guiding you from basic to advanced applications.
Arduino Code Library
Our PulseSensor Playground Library is a large collection of code and projects made for your PulseSensor and Arduino. Projects range from a "getting started" project to controlling a servo with your pulse project.

micro:bit Code
Fun examples to get students playing and experimenting quickly
Processing Code
Leverage your Processing knowledge to visualize complex data into a human-readable GUI.

The Pulse Sensor Kit includes:
Our original kit includes everything you need for a smooth development experience. When your time is money, accept no alternatives.

Easy Earclip
A custom jewelry ear clip, perfectly sized to fit the sensor, ensuring comfortable long-term use. The hands-free design also provides steady and reliable readings for the developer.

Comfortable Finger Strap
The PulseSensor needs even surface tension with the user's skin to get good sensor readings. The Velcro backing and Velcro strap allow you to simply Velcro a fingertip PulseSensor together. It provides comfort to the user and steady readings for the developer.

Transparent Vinyl Dots, Electronic Insulation
Transparent Vinyl Dots make electrical insulation simple. Keep your sensor clean and electrically insulted between users. Refills available.

Color Coded Cables
Color-coded cables make it easy to connect to Arduino and other maker platforms. The PulseSensor can be powered by either 3V or 5V, offering versatility across various maker platforms. The cable is 24-inch long and made of 26 gauge braided copper strands, making it soft and easily fold-able.
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